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Donuts Delivery really cares about the placement of donuts

I don’t know about everyone on Earth, but when I go into a donut shop,I don’t really care about where the donuts are physically locked in the box. I guess things would change though if I had teleporting donuts, like in Donuts Delivery

Donuts Delivery is a hypercasual, free to play mobile game where you are tasked with making the perfect donut box. There are a bunch of donuts on the grid that represents your box, and you are able to slide them around until you match the image you’ve been requested to do. Then you are able to drop in the last donut and sell the box to the customer. The less moves you take, the better the tip is! 

At first, this is a very simple game, moving around donuts that aren’t complex and don’t do anything special. As you complete levels though, you’ll start to see another donut type mixed up between them. Soon this donut is unlocked and added to the box. Some of these donuts are just a new flavor that work exactly the same way, while others are donuts locked in pairs , ones that give you a bonus, or ones that teleport. You can have all of these different types inside the box at once too, which makes for a chaotic time. 

Donuts Delivery is a simple game, but the graphics are very polished and the game is fun as a little brain-teaser to play around with. Your coins can be spent on decorations inside and outside your shop, which don’t actually do anything except make your shop look much nicer than it was when you first started playing. 

Donuts Delivery

The downside with Donuts Delivery is the amount of ads, but if you don’t mind ads, you’ll probably be fine. The level select took me a while to understand, as the first level with a new donut shows up after a little flag with the new donut — to me, that flag thing looks like a special level, instead of a random level marker within the actual level screen.

Overall, I will probably continue to open Donuts Delivery and tinker around with it, until I get sick of the ads and close it for a bit. I like donuts, I like polished puzzles, and I enjoy unlocking new cute donuts too!

You can find Donuts Delivery on iOS.

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