Don’t skip on Skipchaser

DISCLAIMER: This game is still in EARLY ACCESS. All thoughts and opinions herein are related to the game during its development state. Features/content are subject to change and this is not a final representation of the game.

Don’t get me wrong, Skipchaser has a LONG ways to go before it’s done. Nonetheless, you should keep your eyes on this one as there are some innovative ideas and some of what you already know and love. Plus who doesn’t love shooting aliens in the face during fast paced battles? Twin stick shooters are always fun.


First thing you will notice about Skipchaser is the games aesthetics, which are vibrant and unique. I got serious Relic Hunter Zero vibes while playing Skipchaser with its over the top enemy units, explosions, and gunplay. Skipchaser is far less cartoony but everything does feel odd and alien. I had to turn my head sometimes when I saw a enemy or a giant robot heading my way. You interact with with big one eyed aliens and can see ruins of giant mechs in the background. Your base is a clean and awesome looking ship with stations for all your bounty hunting needs.

SkipchaserSimilar to other twin stick shooters, the game does run smoothly and combat is fast paced and ends brutally. Skipchaser has simple controls and thankfully controller support is already working just fine. The game is heavily focused on that procedural generation/roguelike mechanic to keep enemies, dungeons, and loot all fresh and unpredictable. With bits of dialogue interwoven in between missions to move the story along.

Where Skipchaser hopes to make itself shine is in its customization and tactical elements. Developer Ponywolf thinks there is a gun for every occasion and wants to give you the power to make all of them. Need a sniper rifle? Go into your ships smithing station and add a laser-dot scope, an extended barrel and heck, a silencer for good measure. Want an Uzi to just spray and pray with? Go ahead and modify your gun with an extended clip, no stock, and throw in some acid bullets for fun. This customization is what drew me to Skipchaser and makes me the most excited about the game.

DSkipchaserid I mention that the same level of customization is also attached to your armor?

The developer wants to make sure you will need all sorts of guns/equipment for all kinds of situations. Maybe you’re about to break into a warehouse full of heavily armored thugs, you’re going to need some armor piercing rounds. Throw in elemental weaponry such as frost, fire, and acid for a Borderlands like affect. This adds another tactical layer, where enemies can be more resistant to certain elements.

SkipchaserKeep in mind that as of right now most of these features/elements are at their core and most of the bells and whistles are missing. The developer most recently put out an Early Access plan that has some really fun and promising ideas. Let’s just hope they come to fruition.
At this moment, there are only about three procedural missions in the game. You can blow through that content fairly quickly. The developer has stated that the game will have three acts, with what’s on display being a bit of act one. Act two and three coming as the game is developed more.

If you are interested in Skipchaser, keep in mind buying the game right now is all about supporting the developer. I would say that it’s definitely in an Alpha like state more than anything. However, the devs are quick to update the game and seem active on the Steam forum.

Skipchaser will be coming to the Steam market on March 21st coming in at $9.99 which isn’t too shabby. So maybe while you’re taking a break between Wild Breaths and Horizon Dawns, give Skipchaser some of your attention.

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1 Comment
  1. Ponywolf says

    Second update is live on Steam!

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