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Clone Drone In The Danger Zone Adds Twitch Mode

Doborog Games have released their “Twitch Mode” update for Clone Drone In The Danger Zone, bringing streamers viewers a step closer to feeling part of the action with cheering, betting, aiding, or killing. Clone Drone In The Danger Zone

Our guy, Jorge wrote up his thoughts on his personal blog, you can view that here

When streaming, you normally have to peel yourself away from the game and look over at the Twitch chat box. a distraction you shouldn’t have to worry about during an intense battle. As it happens, this Twitch mode is taking the emoji’s that normally spam most streamers chat boxes, and puts them into the game, each with their own specific sound.

There is also a Twitch chat box command, where you can type, “cheer100” to make an audience robot do a dance. A provocative dance that is.

Bets can also be placed. as stated by Doborog Games,

As people place bets the prize pool increases! When the player finally dies everyone who bet on the correct enemy type splits the coins proportional to how much they bet!

And just by watching the stream, viewers will gain danger coins, these are specific for each streamer, but the coins are saved to the viewers accounts when they jump between sessions.

Viewers can help the player survive by spending 300 coins to spawn a clone, that way the player stands a better chance at surviving for a longer period of time…or they can use Danger coins to spawn an enemy in an attempt to kill you, but if they do, their name will inform the player that it was them that tried to kill you.

Clone Drone In The Danger Zone will also allow streamers without any followers, or a small amount of followers to join the Discord channel and announce their live stream. Also, by tweeting @iamdoborog on Twitter, he will retweet their stream announcements.

It’s an interesting looking update that seems to give the game a huge personal, interactive touch. The trailer for the game in general is found below. It is available on Windows and Mac as an early access game.

Source: IndieDB Page

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