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BRUT@L Gets Trailer For New Map Editor

Rising Star Games have released a trailer specifically look at the map editor in their BRUT@L title.

Stormcloud Games released BRUT@L for PS4 back in August 2016 and pushed a co-op mode later on. It was then announced earlier this year that the game is also heading to PC and Mac.

BRUT@L is a modern take on the ASCII Dungeon crawler, and was covered here by one of our external creators, ATSGames, and was reviewed on the PS4.

The map editor trailer shows what looks like an incredibly simple, yet powerful system. Players can create corridors, rooms, and set traps, and other landmarks around the map. There looks to be a limit of forty rooms with a tile count of thirty-five tiles per room.

The Map Editor will be releasing on PC for the 9th February 2017.

Source: Rising Star Games YouTube

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