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Abandon Ship Takes Sail With Dramatic Trailer


A few months ago, a conversation between our Senior Reviewer, Brian, and the team erupted into excitement when Brian posted a link to a website for a game about naval warfare developed by Fireblade Software, showing screenshots of detailed seas, ships, and a GIF on the Twitter account showing the game in action, more specifically focusing on the wave system. Abandon Ship was something myself and Brian got excited for.

A few months later to now, and there has been a trailer that has hit the web showing some really impressive game play, aided with the dramatic booming of a voiceover artist, Ed Pinner, dramatically capturing his adventurous story that you may one day get to live out. Battering weather systems, huge waves, destructible ships, and sea monsters…

The game is said to be inspired by a variety of games, but FTL’s combat tactics system is one main inspiration, as is the exploration theme of Sunless Sea.  In the trailer we also get to see the wonderful art style in action, taking a huge inspiration from classic naval oil paintings, an interesting, but very well produced style.

The game is about ship combat primarily, and has talks of a procedurally generated open worlds to sail around ranging from hot tropics, to harsh arctics. The game is focused as a single player experience, and if your ship becomes destroyed in a battle, if you make it ashore on your lifeboat, you can grab another ship and continue your reign on the seas. The world also reacts to your actions, and you can make friends or foes with other Captains.

Abandon Ship does look very nice, and the weather system looks like a nightmare, in a good, dynamic way. I’m excited for this, what are your thoughts? Watch the trailer below, and let us know what you think in the comments here!

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