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Abandon Ship Gets Combat Trailer

Abandon Ship, a game about naval warfare with a FTL feeling to the gameplay, shows off a brand new gameplay trailer focusing on the combat.

Fireblade Software recently shared their latest gameplay trailer that shows off the combat system within their upcoming 2017 title, Abandon Ship. The titles art style is inspired from oil paintings of naval scenes, and it sees players sailing in a side profile, with the enemy in the distance. Players are to destroy the enemy by sinking their ship, and if their ship is destroyed, providing the player, the Captain is still alive, they can swim to shore, find a store and get a new ship from around the world that is procedurally generated.

We interviewed Gary Burchell from Fireblade Software about the title, and you can read that up here.

The gameplay looks fairly simple, while looking hectic and intense in the heat of the moment, but players get to choose what guns are to fire and where to aim, and as well as ordering what guns to fire, players will have to organise and manage their crew, sending members to the pump to drain out any water overflowing into the ship, winch any overboard members, brace them for impact, and more.

Weather affects the gameplay, with flames being put out by rain, lightning causing flames, huge waves cause the crew to stumble and even fall overboard. World elements can bring damage too with an example being shown with iceburgs, smashing into the hull.

Multiple weapons and hull armour help determined how you play, with some players possibly opting for mid-range weapons and strong armour for ramming purposes, or weak weapons that cause distractions on the enemy ship, allowing you more time to break away at their armour, or of course long range weapons that can be disrupted by foggy weather.

Abandon Ship is arriving for PC sometime this year. You can find the trailer below.

  1. Stingly says

    Wow this game looks amazing! I had no idea the combat would be so in-depth… really looking forward to playing it!

    1. Ben Bayliss says

      The combat looks great, and I adore the fact you can board the enemy ship. I’m certainly excited for weather to beat up the player, but hoping that you can choose camera distance to prepare for the oncoming elements

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