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Greenlight Highlight | Basher Beatdown

Title: Basher Beatdown
Developer: Sword Games Company
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Party Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Crush your foes -and friends- by casting their bruised and beaten remains into the maw of the level’s behemoth. Use the various obstacles and feature of each of the levels to weaken them, and catch them unaware.

What do we like most about it?

It’s fast paced, the levels are varied and the gameplay is simple enough that it’s easy to pick up and play. Ultimately, it’s a nigh on perfect platform party game.

The art-style is also brilliant, very reminiscent of the works of The Behemoth team (Castle Crashers, etc), although what really makes it look great is the little things as well. The animations of the exploding plants in the trailer, or the fact that damaged characters leave splatters of their colour over the terrain. It all comes together really well.

Price although there is no confirmed price, will most likely be around about £7-£11. The amount of levels is set, at this moment in time, at 14 levels. While there is no online multiplayer confirmed, this does mean that Sword Games Company can work on making an even more tight knit game. This does include allowing them time to work on two new game modes called Team, and Chaos.

When’s it due?

Basher Beatdown is currently planned to release on Windows PC. There is no rough release date for the game, however confirmation from Sword Games Company states that the game is set for release in the first half of 2017. A simple version will be available on the AirConsole.

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