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Razer’s Stolen Valerie Prototypes Have Turned Up Online For 150000 Yuan

During CES, Razer were showcasing their stunning, and rather flamboyant three screen laptop. These laptop prototypes were stolen from the show and Razer were calling out for anyone with information to come forward.

Two of Razer’s prototypes were stolen from the CES event, and they have appeared online and also appear to be somewhere in mainland China. We have a picture from WCCFTech’s website that shows one of the prototypes for sale selling at 150000 Yuan. Obviously it’s so expensive because it’s a hot product, and also the two prototypes at CES were the only two in the world.

Razer were offering a $25,000 reward for information that would lead to the recovery of their creation. Hopefully they get them back, whether that’s through tacking down the location the images were uploaded in, or buying it back.

Source: WCCFTech

1 Comment
  1. Toby Roundhill says

    Just for clarity, thats 22 grand USD or 18 grand GBP

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