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The Colonists Announced; Command Robotic Settlers Preparing the Way for Inhabitants

Mode 7 have announced the next title that they will be publishing, The Colonists, which will enter early access next month.

Codebyfire, and publisher Mode 7, have announced The Colonists, a settlement management game which will be available on Steam early access from early next month.

Players control a team of robots which must prepare a newly-discovered planet for the arrival of their creators. This means rapidly advancing through the ages, growing and harvesting resources, setting up infrastructure, and competing against other settling collectives. What little we know of the game places a major focus on economy, however there’s a major presence of technology, not just from the fact that the characters are robots, but in the fact that drone-transport and Stone Age are uttered in the same sentence in the press release.

The Colonists will be entering into Steam early access next month, after its planned time there the game will include a single player campaign, competitive and co-operative multiplayer, and a free play mode.

Details are understandably light on the ground, but Mode 7’s own development history (Frozen Synapse etc) and publishing history (Tokyo 42) certainly demand good faith; besides, we should have more details soon.

Personally I’m interested to see how in-depth the game is, because with all of the little workers being nigh identical (and possibly without identity/requirements) there’s going to need to be a lot of depth to the game’s economy management -or technology advancement- in order to keep players focused.

The Colonists will be launching on Steam at an unspecified point next month. While we wait for a confirmed date you can check out some of the screenshots below.


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