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Universe For Sale brings you into a strange and captivating world

Universe For Sale is a stunning, hand drawn point and click adventure game that puts you in the role of a cult member, who has given up everything – including their skin – to reach enlightenment. Your story starts as you go to explore a colony on Jupiter that seems to have seen better times, looking for your old friend.

Universe For Sale is a game that feels shrouded in mystery. You start off by exploring a tea cafe, in the middle of an acid rain storm, talking to the various creatures that live in Jupiter’s world. Robots, humans, and humanoids all seem to enjoy tea and being sheltered from the rain, perhaps obviously. In fact,  you are almost more of a curiosity due to your lack of skin.

You are actually there to talk to your friend Lila, who is able to create her own universes, and you want to also discuss enlightenment and your reach towards it. This narrative driven game has you picking your responses to the characters that you are meeting, learning more about the world, your own thoughts, and about the secrets hidden here. 

I got to play a limited demo of Universe For Sale while at Gamescom, where it was showcasing as a part of the Indie Arena Booth. I enjoyed exploring this strange, futuristic world full of happy creatures making the best of their lives. The art style is what drew me in, but my curiosity about a game where the idea of a cult that gives up their skin and detaches their head is normal, and robots sharing voice boxes, and humans generally living a really normal-seeming life kept me going forward looking for more answers. 

 Universe For Sale

There is a lot to discover and explore within Universe For Sale, with a world that allows you to create your own universe as you play it. I am looking forward to the game’s release, though there isn’t a set date for now, but you can wishlist it on Steam.

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