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UAYEB Release Date Delayed Three Months for Finesse & Polish

Visually stunning UAYEB from ICAGAMES has had its release date delayed an additional three months, with the new release date set as the 29th of September this year.

UAYEB, a puzzle, adventure and survival hybrid made in Cryengine 3 has has its release date moved back from the end of June to the end of September following player feedback for the recently released game demo. The open-world title saw it’s demo released back in late May following an unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign a few months earlier.

It’s an interesting concept for a game -even with it’s nigh-unpronounceable name- which sees players exploring an exotic landscape filled with Mayan ruins and mysteries. It’s not all played out on foot, as evidenced by a lot of previous gameplay having shown off a cross-country, off-road vehicle clambering around the map. There’s a puzzle element to the game which culminates with small tombs and relics which can be found if players find the correct clues, and survive various pitfalls and traps.

A decision was made early on the development by the developers, ICAGAMES, that there should be survival elements in the title, and while the extent of these is not defined at any point, they have explained that they’re only there to “push the difficulty of the adventure, like it would be in real life.”

The game is planned to release in four episodes, with each weighing in at around 20-30 hours of gameplay. There’s been no time-frame set out for the entirety of the game, and there’s no word as to whether pre-production has started on the follow up episodes. Despite this, we do feel that UAYEB looks very promising, and will hopefully be able to deliver on mission with the additional time they’ve gained in this delay.

UAYEB is set to release on Windows PC on the 29th of September

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