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Two Million Downloads For Let It Die FTP Title

It seems like only last month we were running coverage on the FTP title, Let it Die hitting one million downloads…and that’s because it was.

Let it Die has now been downloaded over two million times, GungHo Online Entertainment has announced.

Now, the announcement came from a Japanese PDF, but I have translated it and found the juicy bits. Basically, the game launched last year in North America and Europe on the 3rd December, and within a month it had already hit over one million downloads. The title has since been released in Japan on the 2nd February and has now hit over two million downloads already a month on.

The Japanese release wasn’t Free-to-Play however with a small charge of 108 yen taking place to ensure that players were old enough to have access to a credit or debit card, but the sheer amount of downloads is incredible. Good work!

Have you tried Let it Die? What are your thoughts?

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