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What a Twist: Sony’s First Game to Sell Over 1 Million Physical Copies in Japan in 12 Years (Minecraft) is From Microsoft

Sony have reportedly crossed the 1 million physical units sold milestone once more in Japan, this time for the first time since 2004’s Gran Turismo IV.

Media Create are reporting (as pointed out by that the Vita version of Minecraft has crested over 1million physical units sold in the Japanese market.

This is an impressive milestone in many ways; for a start, the smaller audience rarely achieves such things for Sony, last time doing so in 2004 with Gran Turismo IV; in addition, the Vita has a lot less market penetration than the Nintendo platforms; and, finally, the title is actually published by Microsoft, who now own Mojang.

On that final note, Microsoft have only sold a total of 1702 Xbox Ones over the last fortnight in Japan, versus 93’384 Vita sales in the same period; it’s quite different to how the hardware market plays out in the NA & European markets.

Minecraft has, however, sold 1’266’640 physical copies on both the Vita (1’018’699) and Wii U (247’941) combined, life-to-date.

Surely one for the next pub quiz; a record, two rivals, and the Vita.

Tack, referencing Gematsu

Note: We have updated the title as we accidentally forgot to include the region.

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