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Trajectory, Formerly “Orbital” Is Set For March Release

Those of you who may remember seeing our Greenlight Highlight coverage on a title called, “Orbital”, will be pleased to hear that the game has made its way onto Steam and is now under the name, “Trajectory”.

With a release date set for March 2017, Sky Trail’s title, Trajectory is looking to be quite an adventure. Varying playthroughs set on Earth and beyond are one of the features to grace the player, with them undertaking the role of an inmate serving their last few days of their sentence in which they are in orbit.

There is support for VR and multiple endings to uncover. The trailer isn’t available anywhere other than the Steam Store page, and while I could embed the “Orbital” trailer which was before the name change in its Greenlight stage, it doesn’t showcase what the game looks like in it’s current state. The shaders and textures appear to be higher quality, and the mouse movement appears to be smoother than it was.

Trajectory is set for a PC release in March 2017

*Update* I was linked the trailer for embedding purposes, so here you go!

Source: Steam Store

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