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theHunter: Call of The Wild Gameplay Trailer Shows Off In-Game Engine


After our news coverage on the trailer for  THEHUNTER: CALL OF THE WILD, the Avalance Studios have now released a three minute gameplay trailer that was announced through Twitter as seen below.

It takes about a minute until the gameplay of your hunter character kicks in, but the build up shows beautiful spanning countrysides, and wonderfully textured creatures. We’re introduced to some HUD elements, such as a skills screen, and the information about the animals, a weapon info screen, and then a group of hunters, so it looks like multiplayer will be included.

Other than sneaking around beautiful environments, it doesn’t really seem to show off the gameplay, but more so the games improved engine. And yeah, it does look good.

You can check out the gameplay video below.

theHunter: Call of the Wild is currently only confirmed for PC development.

Source: TheHunterCOTW Twitter

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