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The Great Story of a Mighty Hero — Remastered

Gore? But so cute!


Hack and slash? Check. Cute-looking characters and enemies? Check. Gore? Check. The Great Story of a Mighty Hero does what it says on the tin — it’s a hack-and-slash game in which you play the mighty hero. Now, this isn’t going to win game of the year— or even hack-and-slash game of the year (not that that award exists, I think!) — but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad game by a long shot.

In fact, it’s easy-going game, overall. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and it’s cute, with humour sprinkled in all over the place and little visual gags scattered around that often are humourous (or maybe just a little… odd. I found them funny!). The Great Story of a Mighty Hero is the sort of game you can just spam mindlessly without having to think or care too much about what you’re doing in the end game. It’s definitely not going to stress you out, unlike some existing hack-and-slash games that require focus and skill.

The graphics are pretty good, all things considered, as you can pick up The Great Story of a Mighty Hero for an extremely reasonable price. The level design looks tidy and fitting and well looked after, however some of the character models do differ slightly when looking at certain enemy models. Skeletons are quite cute and well suited to the theme (and funny at times!), but then there are slightly odder ones, like what I assume are giant spiders (they could be scorpions? Jury’s still out on that one) and zombie girls wielding hand axes, because why not? Still, it doesn’t really matter that much — it’s quite a silly game anyway, and in a good way.

The gameplay is simplistic, and literally anyone could get the hang of it very quickly. It’s a hack and slash after all, not The Witcher 3. You bash things with your sword or axe and use some kind of massive blow attack that pretty much demolishes waves of enemies. You can pick up potions with certain effects, like a general explosion all around you, and one that (sometimes) homes in on enemies. Largely, it isn’t very hard whatsoever, which may annoy some, but The Great Story of a Mighty Hero seems to focus on you not having to focus all that hard when playing it. You can walk through the game with relative ease (literally, too, as you can only walk!).

You will end up going through several dungeon-style levels where you bash your way through hordes of enemies and, typically, fight a boss.

Now, these boss fights aren’t hard or difficult, although you do have to keep an eye on your health and make sure you have food stocked up. One of the downsides of boss fights is that you have to make sure you’re ready to eat all the food you’ve picked up along the way. You’re given no option to heal yourself other than eating food, and with some bosses doing large amounts of damage quick, you have to spam buttons a bit to avoid dying in seconds at times. This is a bit annoying, as it would be nice to dodge or attack during a certain time, but this isn’t really an option. Luckily food isn’t hard to come by, as it frequently drops from baddies and there are several traders scattered throughout the game who sell food, as well as weapons and potions.

The Great Story of a Mighty Hero isn’t long — you could finish it pretty quickly if you wanted to, but the gameplay is more bite-size in my opinion, unless you’re into completing games as quickly as you can. I think it could be improved in several ways, such as adding additional classes (as you only have two choices – Warrior or Barbarian), which would give it a little more replayability. Perhaps adding they could add more levels, and maybe mini-games to give it a little more flavour and appeal.

But The Great Story of a Mighty Hero is only meant to be bite-size and it would be overkill to add too much, since that doesn’t seem to be the point of this hack and slash. Adding achievements would also give it a lot more appeal for gamers, as it is without at this point, and the game is ripe for some fun little achievements to be spread throughout the nooks and crannies of this weird little gem.

Overall, The Great Story of a Mighty Hero doesn’t quite live up to the title in some ways, but it certainly isn’t bad at all. In general, it’s small, compact and entertaining (and cheap!). Definitely worth picking up if you’re a fan of fun and silly hack-and-slash games.

The Great Story of a Mighty Hero is available on PC, via Steam.

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