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The Flute is a videogame adaptation of Mozart’s Magic Flute opera.

I’m not one for opera — you won’t even catch me watching musicals — however I’ve definitely got time for The Flute, an adaptation of the first scene of W. A. Mozart’s Magic Flute.

The Flute, from Opus Ludus, is a puzzle platformer which follows the story of the first scene of Mozart’s Magic Flute singspiel. It is also done with a fantastic, paper-doll visual style.

Four memorable playable characters punctuate the interesting world of The Flute, from the three ladies, represented as one floating being, to the arrow-slinging protagonist Prince Tamino. They exist within a world of bamboo shoots, serpents and spirits — something that many who are used to some of Mozart’s work wouldn’t associate with it.

While at Pocket Gamer Connects London I spoke with Opus Ludus’ co-founder Vladimir Kokesa about the demo reel which was showing, and the conception of the game. Kokesa explained that Opus Ludus’ main objective had always been to create interesting, cross-media experiences — something they hoped to achieve with The Flute.

It’s a fascinating settling, true to the singspiel, and I’m intrigued by the artwork and delivery of the story that inspired it.

The Flute, as a representation of the first scene of the opera, is estimated to launch with around two hours’ playtime. However, depending on the success of its debut, Opus Ludus intend to finish the entire opera, which will result in an epic of around twenty to thirty hours’ playtime.

The Flute is in development for mobile platforms, with the first release expected over the new couple of months. You can find out more about the game on the developer’s website.

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