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Tear Down the Evil Octopus Army as a Gang of Mercenary Action-Heroes in Dog Duty

Free the island from the clutches of the Evil Octopus Army as you use vehicles, and guerrilla tactics to command your squad of six as they perform their Dog Duty.

Back in September of last year we covered Dog Duty as it entered into Valve’s greenlight system – read it here. Intrigued by the decision of developers Zanardi and Liza to make a hybrid of what appeared to be a real-time version of classic squad-tactics titles with an open-world ‘clear the map’ kind of game, we were nothing short of curious.

Dog Duty, which has now entered Early Access, sees players clearing out various open-area sections of a large island by tactically manoeuvring their units into flanking, or covering positions. At least, that’s the case when they’re on foot. Vehicle shoot-out sections of the game appear to be plentiful – with characters needing to be moved around on the roof of the player’s vehicle as to provide firing support against attacking vehicles.

The finished game will include Four areas, and six controllable soldiers versus the game’s single zone and characters. Several features are already in place including squad customisation, as well as various combat sequences.

You can find the latest trailer below, and a link to the game on Steam where it is currently in Early Access.

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