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Teacup has you facing your fears to plan host a tea party!

Sometimes, you just want to enjoy a delightful, cute, colorful game where you can relax, solve simple puzzles, and enjoy the experience. Teacup is a short, narrative driven point and click adventure game that fits the bill. In this game, you play as Teacup, a young frog who is fearful of going outdoors and hasn’t explored much of her town. However, tomorrow she is hosting a tea party with her friends, and she’s all out of tea.

You see, Teacup really loves tea. She wants to have a bunch of different varieties for her guests, so this means she will need to go out and explore. When it comes to the town she lives in, it is small, but she hasn’t met everyone there or even explored the area fully before. So, you will need to rely on the help of others and slowly fill up your map to find your way around. Talking to various quirky characters in your town, you will find out more about them and if they can help you.

Sometimes, you will need to talk to a character several times before you are able to say what you need to them to get them to help. There are various mini-games throughout Teacup — ways that you can help the people of this town — that you’ll need to do in order to progress. It might be through helping in a play, where you need to remember and press keys at a specific time or putting stamps together to make a giant puzzle. Many of these puzzles made sense, however, I found the Cog puzzle, where you needed to place cogs together, to be quite cumbersome to understand. This was the only puzzle where I had to actively use the hint to figure out where each and every piece went — but otherwise the hints were nice and things made sense. 


As you find teas you will fill up your tea book, discovering more information about this type of tea or sweetener, as well as where the tea comes from. It’s interesting, even if you don’t care for tea yourself. You’ll also learn about the townsfolk and about your friends who you are hanging out with soon. Once you have discovered all of the map and found all the tea you can find, you can even go and visit your grandmother, learning more about her and her love of tea, before having your friends over the next day.

Your friends have heard all about your out of character behavior, and talk to you about your adventures as you make their tea. Teacup is simply a lovely and wholesome game, complete with adorable visuals, to play on a rainy day. I fell in love with the characters and their little world. The graphics are so lovely — well worth exploring themselves. I found it a bit frustrating that the game doesn’t have a map button, often forcing you all the way across a screen to get the map to open, but that’s the only complaint I have! 

Teacup is a lovely, cozy, wonderful game, all about finding tea and solving mini-games, that can be finished in one lazy afternoon. And you should play it too.

You can find Teacup on Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch and PC.

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