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Take Down The Surgeons In Hitman’s Elusive Target #21

Another elusive target has entered the playing field later today in stealthy assassin title, Hitman. Well, two targets have landed.

The 21st Elusive Target will be sending players to Hokkaido later today around 1pm GMT, the VIP hospital grounds in which the rich and famous undergo many life saving, or cosmetic treatments by paying large amounts.

Players have been assigned to take down, “The Surgeons”, two targets named,  Pavel Frydel and Akane Akenawa in any way they see fit, however there is an optional objective that will gain players the Silent Assassin rating, and that requires the player to kill both targets with a viral infection.

Completing the contract in general will unlock the White Yakuta costume, and getting the Silent Assassin rating will work towards the players progress to getting the Winter Suit.

Dann, Louis and myself have been running a type of time attack video since the 18th Elusive Target, and we have done the 20th but editing progress has become slow due to some website improvements taking priority recently. You can view Elusive Target 18, and 19.

Source: IO Interactive Blog 


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