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Street Fighter 5 Unveils New Character DLC. Meet, Akuma.


Yesterday, Capcom confirmed a new character, Akuma, or as others may know him, Gouki, to be coming to Street Fighter 5. This news was announced through the a trailer that launched at the Red Bull Battlegrounds Tournament that was held in Seattle.

The trailer shows a blank screen, that suddenly becomes interrupted by purple, blue, coloured, clouds signifying impact, and orange glows to signify Akuma’s hands. This fancy style showcases Akuma’s signature that players will be able to take control of once the DLC launches. The trailer then cuts to a torso back shot with a glowing Kanji on his vest, or Gi if you wish; the background a dull range of colours, and gloomy with rain and plants.

The rest of the trailer just gives details on where players are able to try out Akuma at the Playstation Experience Anaheim Convention Centre in December, however there is no release date yet. You can watch the full trailer below, but be prepared to see some impressive speedy combos.


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