Big Boss Battle
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Spacehulk Deathwing Launches 14th December, Launch Trailer Within.


Space Hulk: Deathwing is set to launch on the 14th of December –as previously confirmed by publisher Focus Home Entertainment– and to celebrate the imminent launch there’s a new trailer showing off what we can expect from the FPS take on the classic board-game variation.

Those of you unfamiliar with the game would gain no harm from watching the recent 13 minutes of gameplay that was released; it shows the player leading a group of tough Terminators through a seemingly abandoned husk of a ship when suddenly ‘nid Genestealers begin to burst from the walls triggering a gore-soaked march through an amazing, anachronistic ship, and major casualties to a force that just keeps coming.

Both Xbox One & PS4 versions are planned for launch in 2017, we’ll keep our eyes out for details for you.

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