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Slimy Joe is a board game full of slime!

Slimy Joe is a tabletop game that involves slime, meaning that it’s designed with younger children and families alike. It’s perfect for four years old and older, two to four players, and each game will last around ten minutes. This means that it’s an easy starter game to get your children interested in board games, and playing together.

Slimy Joe is simple — you have a bunch of green tokens that go inside of the monster plant’s mouth. These green tiles then have slime poured over the top. One by one, you must take your turn trying to get a token out of the slime. Some of these tokens are bug tokens, which will award you a point, while others are leaves. Once you have taken your token out and removed the slime, depending on the game mode, you either put the leaf in the leaf pile next to the monster or put it back into the slime, then you turn the monster, pass the player marker, and let the next person dig into slime!

The whole time a timer is ticking down, ready to chomp! If the monster chops on your turn, before you have announced your token and placed it where it should go, your turn will be void. You will need to drop the token into the slime and reset the monster for the next round. 

The gameplay is quick — a balancing act of grabbing tokens and cleaning off slime while trying to get your turn done very quickly. When it comes to cleaning up, the slime goes right into the main mouth which has a lid to keep the slime the way it should be. It’s very easy to clean up and set up, which is perfect for the age rating. 

Slimy Joe

Slimy Joe is a simple game, but it should be a simple game. Having the addition of slime, a very popular toy, means that children are very drawn to the game and want to play it. Our household had a great time playing round after round! 

You can find Slimy Joe on Amazon.

Looking to get your friends or family into board games? Check out our list of great, accessible games, perfect for just that, here.

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