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She and the Light Bearer hands on — An adorable, nature-exploring adventure


Become an adorable firefly, looking to find Mother — a being that controls the fate of all natural things in the world.

She and the Light Bearer is an adorable point and click adventure game that takes you on an adventure to find the Mother. Mother has gone dormant, which has caused a lot of chaos when it comes to nature and the forest you call home. Your adventure hasn’t had a very good start — your pack has been taken by the careless wind, scattering your items around the forest and leaving you without food.

She and the Light Bearer Orchid

As a firefly, you need food to keep your tail well lit — and also, food is delicious. Despite the issues you have faced you are still determined to search the forest for Mother, so you must push ahead regardless. You end up finding some aspects of your bag, but spend most of your time exploring the forest, looking for a way to delve in deeper.

In the short demo that was showcased at Casual Connect, you meet an orchid — or well, a group of creatures attached to the orchid. All of the creatures in this game have their own personalities and characteristics which show through the conversations you have with them. Your firefly is picked on by the orchid — as the orchid knows more than you. In response, you make frustrated noises and bounce slightly, voicing your anger at the silly flowers.

She and the Light Bearer Artwork

These flowers are helpful after you have helped them out — and you can discover more items within the game that can help you check out more of the forest. Finding Mother is the main priority, so you will have to try to get past anything else that is in your way.

She and the Light Bearer is a stunning, unique point and click adventure full of personality. You can check out their website here and wishlist the game on Steam below.

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