Big Boss Battle
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Redout DLC, V.E.R.T.E.X Arrives Alongside 1.3.0 Update

V.E.R.T.E.X, the DLC for fast paced, WipeOut style racing game, Redout has landed, and so has an update.

The DLC is the second DLC to be introduced to the game after the previous one, Neptune DLC pack brought five tracks, a new boss, four new ships, ten career events and more. The brand new, V.E.R.T.E.X DLC will bring the following to 34BigThings’ fast paced racing title,

  • One new virtual environment
  • Five New Tracks
  • One Boss Race
  • Two New Songs
  • Two new liveries for each ship, including the Buran team ships that were introduced in the Neptune DLC
  • Updates have been reflected in the updated soundtrack and Artbook

Conamara, a new song for the Europa Complex has also been added. The update will also allow multiplayer hosts to change lap numbers and game modes without the need to quit and rehost. Some lighting issues have been fixed, and some updates to the Neptune DLC have been introduced too. You can view the whole changelog right here.

We have covered Redout before on our site, with me running a video review, and Brian running a text based review, be sure to give them a read/watch.

Source: Press Release


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