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Preview | Parkitect

Settle down, pour yourself nice cup of tea and put on your entrepreneur hat because we’re about to dive into the world of Parkitect.

Before we get any further, big warning! This game is a work in progress, it’s still in early development at the point of writing this but for now let’s have a look at what I’ve found so far.


I was really excited to dive in, but the only thing was that I could only play Sandbox mode, which made me feel quite a bit sad, but nevertheless I steamed forward like all my happy customers coming to my park that I’m about to rip off. Sandbox, oh Sandbox, the place where you have no repercussions of killing your own customers with some awesome state of the art roller coaster you’ve just made after staying up for 48 hours eating caffeine and drinking crisps; what I’m trying to say, is that this is the perfect way to test out a new game since no other mode has been completed for public release.

Now, this game isn’t some ground-breaking experience, of which is going to launch you into space; unless of course, you built a roller-coaster to do that already. As soon as I loaded up it was like playing Roller Coaster Tycoon and Theme Park’s love child, which I shall say now isn’t a bad thing! Yes this looks like an unofficial reboot of the popular games but that’s what made this so special to me. This is what we need, since the days of playing those old games has now moved on, and someone needed to bring this back and stick to their guns; non-over-complicated and pure awesome park building. And that’s exactly what Garret Randell, and Sebastion Mayer have done, and I tip my fedora, if I was wearing one, to them.

I’m keeping a keen eye on the development and updates so soon as more is released I can create the park of my dreams once more!

Within Sandbox mode you’re presented with a decent sized slab of land; my only issue here is that its flat. Okay, its Sandbox but I wanted to mess around with elevations and make fantastic roller coasters swooping in stealing yo girl but this is still early doors so a lot more can be expected. Already saved into the game is presets for roller coasters which can be used and while not as fun is great way to get ideas and see how the game plays; remember kids safety is fun.

453090_screenshots_20160519203355_1Another point, which is great to me, is that the graphics are perfect. They’re not pixel-bitty, nor are they lifelike. They have got the graphics to a point where it’s just enough to see your little customers scared faces on the rides, but not detailed enough to see every pimple, and freckle much to our dismay, and this is another point which made me even more excited to see the full product.

Nevertheless, something had to be wrong right? Well it was the controls that let me down here. Instead of pushing your mouse to the side of the screen to scroll across the map, you had to use W,A,S,D, which, really isn’t a massive bother, but I feel like in such a game it feels better to use the mouse, so it would have been a nice option to have thrown into the mix, but hey opinions and all!

While I hate negatives I have to point this one final thing out, you have to employ workers for cleaning, fixing rides etc well you need some cheeky fellows to come and stock your food and souvenir stalls and these guys take for ages to turn up. I mean whats the hold up guys? Are you making this stuff and importing it across the globe? Since I feel you should have to adapt quickly to the needs of your customers the chaps stocking you don’t.

Overall, this game is only in it’s early stages, but with what they have presented so far, this is set to be one of the best simulation park building games of the year in my humble opinion! They’ve took what’s good, and what’s bad, mashed them together, and created Parkitect. I’m keeping a keen eye on the development and updates so soon as more is released I can create the park of my dreams once more!

You can head over to Steam and grab yourself a copy and join in the unfinished sandbox fun by clicking below.

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