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Precursor Update For Subnautica Releases On Steam


Unknown Worlds Entertainment have pushed their Precursor update for Subnautica live on Steam today.

We ran a review on Subnautica a few weeks ago, which you can watch here

The new update brings a huge structure to the world; a big base, a precursor array, and within it lies mysteries to discover. It also brings forth ancient artifacts, caves to explore within the island behind the precursor array, and  a series of other improvements to the game. The list of these improvements are,

  • PDA can now be used while operating vehicles
  • Watch out, the world now has fall damage!
  • Continued work on optimization & stability improvements
  • Land-based movement improvements
  • Level design polish in Lost River & Floating Island biomes
  • HUD notification for radio messages
  • New PDA updates for distant Aurora wreckage
  • Extensive loot balancing for player progression (Read more)
  • Constructable improvements

The Precursor update looks to be expanding the story of Subnautica, adding more depth to the depths’ history.

You can view the video below, and the update is available for the Steam Early Access version of the game. The Xbox One game preview will also receive the Precursor update and the previous, Bones update in coming weeks.

Source: Press Release

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