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PlayStation Store January Sale Still Live

The PlayStation Store January Sale is still going strong, with some good deals hanging around.

Now, the January sale actually started on the 22nd of December, but we missed that news due to running around for festive goodness, such as treats, kindness, and more treats, hence the reason for the title.

Now things have calmed down our end, there’s a PlayStation January Sale currently going on over at the PlayStation Store!

The PlayStation Sale has brought a lot of games forward with some huge discounts on PS4 games, indie games, DLC’s, and Movies..Games such as Battlefield 1, No Man’s Sky, Bloodborne, Fallout 4, and way more. Indie/digital only games such as, Goat Simulator, Outlast, Firewatch, and more. DLC offers are, DOOM: Hell Followed, The Crew: Season Pass, Rocket League: Aftershock, Hitman: Upgrade Pack, and more!

In addition to the above, PlayStation are also celebrating PSVR by offering discounts on VR titles.

There’s a lot of titles available to grab, but it has been reported that some offers are for a limited time, so you’ll want to decide soon on what you want.

You can view the full list of titles on the official PlayStation blog, or you can head straight over and look at them yourself.

Happy Holidays!

Source:  PlayStation Blog

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