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Pixel Noir: Kickstarted Noir RPG Gets Launch Window & Platforms Confirmed in New Trailer

Originally funded via Kickstarter back in October 2015, SWDTech Games’ Pixel Noir, has come a long way since it was first showcased. 

Recently signed on with Spanish publisher, Badland Games, we’ve been seeing a lot more of the upcoming Noir set RPG. None better, that said, than the new trailer they’ve released detailing the formats the game will be coming to; as well as affirming a new target release Window.

It wasn’t actually the combat that originally caught my eye when I first saw the game earlier this year; it was the realisation of the setting, a gritty film-noir world, and not just that, but a busy, fairly-modern, city. It’s rare that RPGs, especially ones that take on the SNES/16-bit styleset, to feature bustling cities, and so, everything else after that was a bonus.

It’s not just a moody, dark tale of an anti-hero however; there’s a spiritual, and magical element running throughout, as you’ll see in the trailer.

Pixel Noir is currently planned to release on PC (via Steam), PS4, Xbox One & Vita. It’s pencilled in for a Q1 2018 launch.

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