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Pit People Beta Progress Confirmed as Carrying over to Early Access; Cross Game Content Detailed

The Behemoth have sent out an e-mail to players who partook in their closed beta confirming that progress made during the beta will be carried over to the game’s early access launch.

Pit People, which is launching onto Steam Early Access, and the Xbox Preview Program, on January 13th, will carry over your progress from the beta, The Behemoth have confirmed in a recent mail-out.

In addition to this they also announced that players who own -and have saves from- Castle Crashers, or Battleblock Theatre, will received themed extras within Pit People; Green, Red, Blue & Orange Knight helms for Humans, Cyclops, Pixies, or Spidaurs.

Meanwhile, owners of Battleblock Theatre will be able to deck out the aforementioned troop-types with a Hatty Hattington hat; and they’ll also get a Cat Guard suit which can be worn by mascot characters.

Details on the Cross-Game unlocks are detailed here.

Pit People launches into Steam Early Access and Xbox Preview on January 13th.

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