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Outlast 2 Refused Classification In Australia, Here’s Why

Outlast 2 has been refused classification in Australia due to breaking a general rule.

The horror sequel, Outlast 2 has been refused classification in Australia, Kotaku Australia have confirmed in what looks like the reasoning being due to sexual violence being implied.

The following paragraph contains both spoiler’s and graphic writing. Reader discretion is advised.

Apparently in one cutscene, there is a ritual being prepared by a female character, with the players character, Blake managing to scurry free and escape, but he begins to witness visions of a violent orgy with his wife bound in chains, various grey skinned creatures have intercourse around the scene. Blake intervenes and instead ends up being held down and raped.


Okay, it’s all over now, the following is safe to read.

Due to this scene alone, the Board have deemed it to be a deciption of implied sexual nature and has resulted in it being unable to be classified in Australia. If you want to read more details on the scene click the source below. But be warned. It’s graphic.

Outlast 2 is due to be released next month on the 25th April, and will be arriving on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac.

Source: Kotaku AU

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