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Video Review | >Observer_


Observer_, from developer Bloober Team, is a first-person, horror detective story in a dingy, ruined cyberpunk future.

Aside from the game’s beauitful, and disturbing, visuals it features a well-developed setting which touches on the dark hopelessness which often penetrates cyberpunk settings. It’s also, put simply, a jump-scare horror game much like Bloober Team’s iconic Layers of Fear series; deploying jump scares when least expected, as well as using psychological tricks to lead the players down set routes.

You can find RemoveableSanity’s video review of the Xbox One version of the game above; alternately, you can find our written, PC review from earlier in the year HERE.

Despite the genre being one which rarely allows much player freedom, >observer_ manages to deliver the feeling of freedom through its unnerving detective sections and the exploration of the interlinking, labyrinthine corridors.

Observer is available now on PC (Steam Link), PS4, and Xbox One.

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