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Nintendo Unbox Their Own Product, Let’s See What The Nintendo Switch Box Contains

Despite us already seeing footage of the Switch in action from that video that turned out to be a stolen Nintendo Switch, Nintendo have now released a new video that shows us what’s in the box. 

Nintendo Minute shows Kit & Krysta unboxing the Nintendo Switch, sporting a weird looking Nintendo Switch branded hoodie. I would have expected red  hoodies but okay.

The video starts off with the duo looking at the box’s exterior, then they eventually get inside the box at around about 2:00, and we’re introduced to the Switch system and the two Joy-cons. We get to see the console’s ports and holes, and everything as Kit fondles it about a bit, showing us around. Krystal starts showing off the Joy-Con before handing it to Kit who shows how to slide them on .Easy.

Pulling up the first layer of cardboard reveals more stuff inside. The booklets, the docking station, the Joy-Con strap attachments, the controller adaptor. an included HDMI cable, power supply…and that’s it really! So if you were wondering what is supposed to come with the box, then you now now!

The video is below.

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