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Nintendo Streaming Treehouse Live With Nintendo Switch On 13th January

Nintendo are hosting a Treehouse Live event on the 13th January featuring the Nintendo Switch console.

On the 13th January, YouTube and Twitch will see Nintendo’s Treehouse Live event be streamed online after the Nintendo Switch Presentation. The event will be taking an in-depth look at the Nintendo Switch games that will be mentioned in the previous day’s presentation.

The Nintendo Switch Presentation will be streamed on the 13th January and will be streamed on the official Nintendo websites. Both .com and The times that these presentations will be taking place are as followed.

  • Nintendo Switch Presentation: January 13th 04:00 (GMT)
  • Nintendo Treehouse Live Event: January 13th 14:30 (GMT)

The official console will launch in March, but keep your eyes here for when the Switch details drop from these events.

Source: Nintendo Twitter

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