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News | New Knuckle Sandwich Trailer Shows off Combat


Knuckle Sandwich, by Andrew Brophy, rapidly became one of my most anticipated games of the year when I accidentally stumbled across the above trailer earlier today.

The story of the game, as detailed on the game’s website [here], follows a young gentleman who has just moved our of their home to a new town and takes up a job at a local, run down, diner. Strange goings on start to occur and soon, for no real reason, he is whipped up investigating cults, missing persons and, well, working at the diner.

The game has an amazing, bright, abstract art style totally reminiscent of Earthbound (Mother II) as well as a funky, wacky soundtrack.Combat, as shown above, further embodies the mania with the fun looking special moves. Because, let’s face it, most RPGs are now miserable, world-saving efforts that try and play on emotions and morals, while all I want sometimes is to beat up a man-sized nose in a psychedelic instance.

If you follow through the video you’ll find it’s on a playlist featuring an announce trailer which shows off a massive variety of different areas to visit around town, as well as a trailer where we meet the as-of-yet-unnamed protagonist’s co-workers Echo, Thea, and Dolus – who we see briefly in the combat trailer confusing some handsome gentlemen.

There’s no release information yet, heck, I can’t even confirm the formats it’s coming to. But, it does look wonderful, so you’ll be sure to see more of it mentioned here.

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