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Mutant Football League (MFL) Passes Kickstarter Target With 28 Days to Spare

Mutant Football League, or, as we’d call it on this side of the Atlantic, Mutant American Football League, headed back to Kickstarter for a second attempt late last week. As the title is much further along in development now, the target was much lower, and with (at-least) as much support as the game saw last time it’s already surpassed it’s goal.

Originally taken to Kickstarter back in late 2014 seeking funding of $750,000 US, the game only managed to raise just over $140k before it ran out of time on its campaign. Despite this the developers continued working on development.

On the third of this month, however, the game returned to Kickstarter, with the game approaching a late alpha state (which will be available to backers backing over $35), and with a playable sneak-peek build (available to all backers). The target for the new Kickstarter is now a vastly more modest $60,000, less than half of the achieved amount on the game’s first run.

Understandably, the game has -within three days- already surpassed the funding goal, there’s talk of stretch goals, but nothing cement just yet. That said, the game is planned to release this October for PC, and next Spring for Consoles, so most stretch goals would likely be post-release.

Those curious about how the game plays out can check out a gameplay video below.

Those interested should definitely check out the Kickstarter; there’s beta access, alpha access, the chance to be IN the game, the a whole bunch of other goodies available to backers.

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