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Maze’Em is a world full of side quests!

Maze’Em is a massive puzzle game where you are able to move the maze to create paths, so that your character can get to where they need to go! The world itself is very cute and exploring feels very fun, but the gameplay lies in moving mazes around so that you can solve them.

Maze’Em has a bunch of different characters dotted around the map, who all seem to have their own quests that you can solve. Many of them are written to give you bits of story, show you mysteries and help you learn how to play. These characters have a lot of life in them, which is very fun to see, especially as the map is so massive!

When it comes to the actual levels, you will be basically controlling the word through pushing blocks. Each level is on a grid, and you are able to push a block into the grid, moving all the blocks down, so that the inside of the maze is changed. These changes need to be made carefully, as you have a limited number of moves. You can also move your character in the maze before moving your maze, so that you don’t get stuck and can get more out of your movement.


I got the chance to play the demo of Maze’Em at Devcom this year, and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of content and polish in this game. It feels really well made, with a lot of different levels, biomes, and characters to interact with. The way that you need to think when adding tiles into the maze, as you can do so from every side, is challenging and makes you really think about the world around you. 

There is no release date for Maze’Em, but you can wishlist the game on Steam.

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