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Macbat 64 Release Date Moved Back to 2017, Intro Trailer Released

Today, via an update on Steam, developer Siactro announced that the release of the only 3D platformer to feature a bat with a monocle, Macbat 64, has been moved back until 2017.

Posting on the game’s Steam Greenlight page’s blog, developer Siactro announced that following recent playtests the game was found to still be suffering from some camera-related issues, as well as lacking polish in certain areas.

This has resulted in a delay (of at least one day) to the originally planned release date of December 31 back into 2017. As an apology the developer released the intro sequence for the game -which quickly recaps the game’s prequel Kiwi 64- which you can find below.

Macbat 64, for those unaware, is a platformer made in the style of the Nintendo 64 era titles -notably including Mario, Banjo and Conker- it’s world is colourful and nonsensical, and I -for one- was very impressed with what’s been shown so far.

Those interested can watch Macbat play the Macbat 64 alpha over on the developer’s Youtube channel.

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