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Legrand Legacy to Return to Kickstarter January 18th

Semisoft, the developers behind the promising Legrand Legacy have taken to the Kickstarter page from their previous, failed, pitch, to confirm that they will be returning to the platform anew on the 18th of January.

Legrand Legacy has received backing from an outside source, the latest Kickstarter details, which has allowed the team to relaunch their campaign with a lower target of £40’000. The new target, notably, is less than half of the previous target (of 85k) AND lower than the total amount raised on the previous attempt, which was just over £65’000.

This means that if just 2/3rds of the previous backers return to the project and back anew, the title will pass it’s goal.

The title channels a lot of the classic JRPG vibes from the school of Hironobu Sakaguchi (FF Series to FFIX, Lost Odyssey, etc) and alongside its wonderful looking artstyle, has an incredibly in depth setting, and some pretty unique mechanics – notably the game features city invasion, and overseeing command of an army.

Regular readers will recall our interview with lead game designer Henry Winata, which remains relevant, or when we covered its appearance on Steam Greenlight.

The new campaign launches on January 18th. The previous attempt was set to start fulfilling backers in September 2017, and would launch for a Windows PC launch; we’ll have to see if any of that changes when it goes live.

Source: Legrand Legacy Kickstarter Page

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