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Latest Tokyo 42 Trailer Focuses on Combat, and How Easy it is to Get in a Bloody Mess


Mode 7, the publisher of upcoming isometric shooter Tokyo 42, has released a new trailer for the game showing off several of the different approaches one might take in dispatching your target, or, as dominates the video, fighting off the laawwhhh.

As you’ll see, in the trailer below, it all starts off as fun and games with Leslie Protagonist (name pending) rather efficiently going about their business with a sword, however, it all goes a bit awry. Awry is good, however, any good stealth game needs to hold up when it all goes down the drain, and the trailer shows off some quality things-hitting-the-fan-but-looking-good-while-doing-it™.

It all serves to give a decent showing off of the effectiveness of cover, the dangers of flanking enemies, and the usefulness of grenades combined with the vertical design of some of the levels.

Tokyo 42 is expected to release later this year for Xbox One, PS4 & PC.

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