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FDG Entertainment Confirm Monster Boy And The Cursed Kingdom Launching on Switch

The publisher of upcoming Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom have confirmed that the title will be coming to the Nintendo Switch at some point later this year.

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, originally a sequel to Flying Hamster which went under the subtitle of Knight of the Golden Seed, and heavily inspired by the Master System and Arcade Wonderboy series (specifically Wonder Boy III) is set to launch later on this year for the Xbox One, PS4 & PC.

Well, with the grace of a tweet from publisher FDG Entertainment, we now know that the game will also be coming to the Nintendo Switch.

While we’ve not yet got a specific release date for the game -as a matter of fact, I think this is the first time I remember seeing 2017 tied to the game, although I’ve not seen a press release on it for a while- the title has been in formal development for some time now, with some gameplay shown off for it near the end of last year.

You can find the latest trailer below.

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