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Hovercraft Arena Shooter Crash Force To Leave Early Access on June 30th

Fast-paced, fluid, and fun; Crash Force officially releases on the 20th of this month.

Ascanio Entertainment’s arena-shooter has a fair few twists to it to make it stand out from the rest of the crowd; multi-directional, separately firing armaments for a start, oh – and the fact that it’s two teams of 6vs6 sliding and gliding around the battlefield in hovercars.

Our very own Toby spent some time with the game a few months back; albeit he was playing at the raw end of the specifications (he has since upgraded his PC) and had a few technical issues. Besides the hardware issues he was impressed with the game, although felt the early access version lacked vehicle variety and a wide map selection — two things the developers are likely to have altered during the pre-release period. You can read his thoughts here.

You can find the trailer the team released when the game entered into early access -in January- below,

Crash Force launches on Windows PC on the 20th of June, you can currently find it through Steam on the link below.

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