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‘Hitman 101’ Trailer Talks Us Through the Player’s Journey & Options Ahead of Physical Release

Io Interactive, and publisher Square Enix, have released a new trailer for Hitman to kinda, show us things you can do in Hitman, and also build up to the rapidly approaching physical release for the title on January 31st

HITMAN’s digital-exclusive launch, and it’s content delivery method were certainly a little bit divisive when it first launched; however, this trailer does an exceptional job of underlining the core value of the title that is found in the replayability of it’s extensive maps and the sandbox nature that the Elusive Targets encourage.

I’ve not really got much else to say here -anybody who reads the site will know that I think the game is worth every penny. So, do yourself a favour and watch the trailer below.

Any questions or doubts feel free to ping it in the comments, I’ll do what I can to get back to you ASAP.

HITMAN – The Complete First Season Steelbook Edition will be available on January 31st.

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