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Hira’s Top 5 Games of 2020

2020 has been a rough year, but it was also a year of learning. Learning more about myself and tapping into my creative pool was amongst the highlights as I conducted several interviews with the brightest minds in board games. Not to forget video games as I readily dived back into the Pokémon series with the release of the DLC packs — The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra.

Even within such a year as eventful as this, one can still see the brightest of lights shining through — these are my top 5 video games of 2020:

Paradise Killer

Confession: I absolutely love Kaizen Game Works’ Paradise Killer for its neon vibes and techno soundtrack. The vast space (pun intended) that is the island and its colourful inhabitants bring together a murder mystery that goes deeper than Paradise. What lies beneath the lush jungles and tropical seas…


What’s not to love about Alba? Taking a jaunt identifying the lush wildlife of the Mediterranean island that the titular character is vacationing in? Saving the island from a greedy mayor and politician? Alba hits all the marks, and absolutely blows me away with its lush views and soothing soundtrack.

Pokémon: The Crown Tundra DLC

Pokémon has been my lifeblood, and the reason I started gaming. So it’s hardly surprising that such a game makes it onto my list. What’s different about this particular game is the fact that the DLC The Crown Tundra that really blew me away. Don’t get me wrong, I love the main Pokémon Sword & Shield series, but The Crown Tundra DLC was a shiny hunter’s dream. Combine that with lush snowy landscapes and cool new legendaries, and you’ve got a recipe for awesome.

Nexomon: Extinction

Now I know what you’re thinking — they just wrote about Pokémon, and here comes another creature collecting game in the same vein? Hardly, as Nexomon surprised me with its witty dialogue poking fun at the main Pokémon series and above all, still having a kickass story and many lovely creatures to capture.

a new life (Angela He)

This isn’t a large game, nor is it something from a series I already love. Angela He’s a new life still gets me where it matters most — my heart. Playing through a one person game, the care and detail to a new life helps Angela convey a message about living during the pandemic, and more importantly, about how living life in a pandemic can change.

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