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Hand-Drawn Escape From Hell, Sundered, Receives Launch Date, Launch Trailer

Thunder Lotus have confirmed the release date for their next title, Sundered.

Sundered, which passed through Kickstarter earlier this year with an impressive 800% of its funding goal secured, is launching on PS4 & PC later this month.

The game, which follows a tortured human trapped in a nightmare-esque limbo. They must venture on journey through procedurally generated levels to earn enough experience as to unlock more abilities – subsequently opening up more corners of the dark world. The game features an interesting mechanic in that you can trade off the main character’s humanity in exchange for more power – making the game easier, however leaving less and less of the character intact as to escape the hellish landscape.

It’s all hand-drawn, just like developer Thunder Lotus’ last title Jotun, and looks absolutely amazing in motion. You can find a sample of the game in action below, in the form of the latest trailer ‘Resist or Embrace’.

Interested in the sound of the developer’s last title and it’s Icy-Norse setting and tussles with the giant beasts of lore? Then why not give our review of Jotun a quick read?

Here’s the game’s features list from its Steam page:

-Beautiful hand­-drawn art and animation.
-Terrifyingly epic boss fights.
-Unique abilities that may be powerfully corrupted… at a cost.
-Hundreds of upgrades and multiple character builds.
-Dynamic encounters against hordes of enemies
-A mix of hand-crafted & procedural levels
-Multiple endings and over 15 hours of gameplay

Following the game’s Kickstarter, which was mainly created to seek feedback and gather beta players to finesse the game prior to launch, it was in closed alpha/beta from the 17th of May through until earlier this month (the 12th) over on Steam. An interesting use for Kickstarter, but one we’ll hopefully see more of.

Sundered will be launching on Windows PC, Mac, Linux, and PS4 on the 28th of July. It can be pre-purchased on Steam and PSN for a small discount.

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