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Guts and Glory Launch Trailer Confirms Early Access Release Date For Tomorrow

Guts and Glory, what you could technically call the 3D version of browser game, Happy Wheels, is finding itself land on Early Access tomorrow.

February the 16th will see HakJak’s crazy 3D obstacle game, Guts and Glory coming to Early Access on Steam for PC users. It puts players in a 3D world with various levels  bringing various obstacles to the world for the player to navigate. Some may be about precision, others may be about timing, others may just be pure carnage. Either way, expect to lose a limb every now and then.

The trailer shows gameplay elements taking place and seems to have had an updated GUI since the last time I played it and put out my coverage. There is also a level creator shown within the trailer which looks as if Steam Workshop support will be included.

Check out the trailer below.

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