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Greenlight Highlight | Tyler: Model-005

tyler-model-005-logoTitle: Tyler: Model-005
Developer: Reversed Interactive
Publisher: Victoria Publishing

[Greenlight Page]
[Kickstarter Page]

What type of game is it?

3D Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

As the diminutive Tyler you set out to find your creator, fighting creepy-crawlies and collecting a mass of customisation features, through house, home, sewer and beyond.

What do we like most about it?

I’m most impressed with the extremely highly detailed scenes that you find yourself, as Tyler, clambering around within. Due to the high rooms, the fact you’ll be scaling shelves, and the fact that the player model is quite small, each of the settings are vast and -to the credit of the devs- highly populated.

There does seem to be a lot of washed out browns and greys filling the world, worse still is the fact that the enemies all seem to be darker still, and the world’s lighting is deliberately dull and moody. I’m sure that when you’re playing the game it’s not something that is so present; however at the minute the choice of colour weakens some of the object details, and really doesn’t seem to use the Unreal Engine to it’s fullest.

That said, there are some amazing visual effects, including that previously mentioned lighting, and pulled focus. Combining that with some great voice work, and -hopefully- lots of varied environments is a surefire recipe for success.

When’s it due?

Tyler: Model 005 is set to release for Windows PC & Linux in the second quarter of 2017.

1 Comment
  1. B3NB4IL says

    Reminds me of a miniature, more optimistic, Marvin from the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

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