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Greenlight Highlight | Tiger Knight : Empire War

tiger-knight-logoTitle: Tiger Knight : Empire War
Developer: Unstated
Publisher: Oasis Games

[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Third Person Strategy Action RPG

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Marketing Mode: Imagine Mount & Blade meets Dynasty warrior but with weapon type and armour types directly tied to damage received; commanding a unit alongside other players to seige or hold the target, or playing a massive PVE version of a historical battle.

What do we like most about it?

I’m an absolutely massive fan of the Dynasty Warriors and Mount & Blade series, so this for me is a complete no brainer. The game combines extensive battlefields and masses of troops with RPG driven heroes who are ever-so-slightly more powerful than the average troop, they then lace health bars and damage over each of the units in the game and let rip.

Not only is the game focusing on the classic Three Kingdoms scenario however, but there’s also mention of the Romans, Parthians & Kushan empires as well; fantastic.

Probably the most stand-out feature in the game as we’ve seen so far is weapon types tying into directional attack versus armour type and location. While other games have certainly taken three of the four points into consideration, armour isn’t normally so clearly branded against certain types of damage. It’s all very interesting.

I recommend, if your interest is even slightly piqued, that you head over to the Greenlight page and watch the third video which focuses on in combat action, showing the UI, HUD and actual messaging during combat.

When’s it due?

There’s no release date set for Tiger Knight just yet, when it does release it is expected to do so for Windows PC.

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