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Greenlight Highlight | The Seven Seas

Title: The Seven Seas
Developer: Whaleplane Studios
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Command your ship through deadly levels and traps, defeating foes and bosses, all while trying to keep your head above water.

What do we like most about it?

While this, when diluted, is a rather simple 3D-platformer, the side-firing cannons of a ship, its slow turning circle, and the faster moving enemies all add up to make it quite unique.

Visually the game has improved a little from when it was last on greenlight, and the trailer has a much better audio-track as well as editing. The Seven Seas is never going to set the world on fire as it is, but the developers have planned a decent amount of levels, a diverse selection of enemies, and they’ve kept it very easily accessible. While I doubt there will be many people calling it their game of the year, I think there’s definitely a lot of people who would enjoy the game if they got to play it, myself included.

When’s it due?

The Seven Seas is currently in beta; it is expected to launch fully for Windows & Linux at some point in 2017.

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