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Greenlight Highlight | Steam: Rails to Riches

steam-rails-to-riches-logoTitle: Steam: Rails to Riches
Developer: Acram Digital
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Strategy Board Game

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Take control of a railway company, issue shares, build railroads, deliver goods along an ever changing network of tracks and stations and make profit to expand.

What do we like most about it?

I’m always happy to see well made adaptations of boardgames make their way onto the Steam store. When I say ‘well made’ what I mean is that it still maintains the depth (and in some cases accessibility) of the board game, while using the benefits of the platform — less mess, no cheating, less coffee stains. In this Acram Digital have done a great job, and to boot they’ve set up the net code for players to have asynchronous multiplayer matches as well. Top job.

For those who aren’t aware of the board game, it’s a hex based game where you fund development of new rail routes (and locomotives to go on them) as to build the most successful train network in the game. Give the video a quick look, I’m sure you’ll get the gist.

When’s it due?

Steam: Rails to Riches is already fully developed, and is just waiting for the journey through greenlight to complete before it launches on Windows, Mac & Linux.

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